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Our offer is only for you if you are of legal age. Please confirm that you are at least 18 years old to proceed.
Smoking hookah tobacco is an expensive pleasure. With the German 25-gram regulation, tons of packaging waste are added, and handling the small packs is quite annoying for customers. No wonder some manufacturers have thought about how to offer a hookah tobacco alternative that saves money and gives consumers what they want: affordable tobacco. The solution in this case is “hookah pipe tobacco,” which is also called dry-base or two-component hookah tobacco. The approach is as simple as it is effective. Instead of selling hookah tobacco in the traditional sense, manufacturers sell flavored “dry” pipe tobacco. The customer could smoke this in a regular pipe or mix the tobacco with glycerin to get a 200g portion of hookah tobacco at a cheaper price.
Depending on the manufacturer, the mixing ratios may vary slightly, but the principle is the same.
When using glycerin, make sure it has at least 95% purity. There is taxed glycerin available for this purpose. Using other types of glycerin for this purpose is illegal according to the law, even though it might theoretically work. Technically, the entire mixing process without permission and outside a tax warehouse is illegal. Additionally, the produced hookah tobacco must be taxed immediately after production. Once the glycerin has had time to soak into the tobacco leaves, you’ll have 200g of smokeable hookah tobacco, which costs about half of what you'd pay for ready-to-use hookah tobacco. Since the production process is illegal without official permission, we strongly advise against this. The responsibility and potential consequences for your actions remain yours.
The majority of dry base tobacco varieties are based on Virginia tobacco, but there are also a few Burley varieties.
In principle, any glycerin works for mixing hookah tobacco as long as it has a purity of 95%. However, the law mandates that only taxed glycerin may be used for this purpose.
Only taxed glycerin can be used for the production of hookah tobacco, even though using untaxed glycerin would theoretically work.
For about 65g of dry base, add 135g of glycerin. Then mix the two components thoroughly with a tobacco fork. After a resting period of at least 15 minutes, you can smoke the tobacco.
According to some tobacco manufacturers, 15 minutes are enough to make the tobacco ready to smoke. However, it is a fact that the full flavor of a hookah tobacco develops only when the glycerin has fully soaked through the tobacco’s cell structure. Therefore, we recommend a waiting time of at least 48 hours before consumption.
Honestly: Not quite. There are many factors that influence the flavor of a product, including raw materials and manufacturing conditions. Since both the flavors and the tobacco are the same, you’ll get pretty close to the original, but you won’t fully replicate the taste of ready-to-smoke hookah tobacco.